The benefits of encapsulation for the mother.
Combats stress and unlocks energy stores. Promotes healing and reduces inflammation and swelling.
Increasing your CRH will help prevent postnatal depression after birth
Stimulates the immune system to protect and fight against infections.
For pain and bonding; produced during breastfeeding to facilitate bonding of mother and infant.
Immune booster that helps protect against postpartum infections.
Help developing mammary glands in preparation for lactation and stabilises post-birth uterine cramping.
Replenishes iron deficiency and anemia, a common postpartum condition.
Promotes and increases lactation.
Regulates the thyroid gland. Increases energy and helps with recovery from stressful events.
Increases energy and decreases fatigue and depression. Restocks maternal iron stores to combat anaemia.
Protects immune system. Positive effects on metabolism, hormone control, emotional disorders and skin conditions.
Protects skin cells from damage, acting as a natural anti-aging nutrient within your body.
Stops bleeding and enhances wound healing.
Being GBS+ is not a contraindication to encapsulation, as long as it is a colonization and not an active infection. GBS colonization and infection are two very different things. Colonization tells us is that the GBS bacteria is currently present in the vaginal canal and/or the rectal mucosa at the time of testing. GBS bacteria is transient. meaning it can come and go, therefore regardless of a positive test, may or may not be present at the birth.
GBS bacteria is sensitive to moist heat at 55 ºC for 30 minutes and dry heat 160-170 ºC for at least 1 hour.
Both steaming and dehydrating methods used in the encapsulation process exceed these temperatures and times, therefore leading to the inactivation of the bacteria.
Contraindications to consuming your placenta include:
Infection of the placenta or amniotic membranes during labour. If there is foul smelling discharge amniotic fluid present during labour and/or childbirth, this is another good reason to suspect infection. No one wants to consume infected placenta capsules!
There may be instances where anomalies or abnormalities require the hospital to take the entire placenta, and it will not be made available to you.
The placenta is a barrier, and filters some things in and out, both to and from the baby. However, if a birthing parent is consistently exposed to drugs and/or alcohol during pregnancy, it is safe to assume the placenta is dense with the toxins that come from these things. In this case, placenta encapsulation and consumption would be contraindicated and cannot be done. Smoking is another indication not to consume your placenta. Smoking during pregnancy increases the concentration of cadmium in the placental tissue thus also poses a risk in the case of ingestion
Active infections that may be reacquired, including but not limited to MRSA, Hep B, Hep C, HIV, Lyme Disease, C-Diff, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea
Once your placenta has been delivered proper care and handling is important. The placenta is to be consumed and therefore is treated like a food product. Like raw meat it will spoil if it has improper handling or is left unrefrigerated for too long.
As stated by the World Health Organisation, it is highly recommend all mothers to choose delayed cord clamping for the benefit of their newborn. Delayed cord clamping involves leaving the umbilical cord intact for at least 3-10 minutes after birth, longer if possible. Up to a third of a newborns blood volume still lies within the placenta after birth, and cutting the cord too early will prevent this precious blood from being reinfused back into babe. During this time the cord is still pumping iron and stem cell rich blood which has been scientifically proven to have lifelong benefits to your baby. This will have no effect on your placenta and you can still encapsulate happily.
The same would apply for c-section births as vaginal births. Be sure your doctor is aware you are keeping the placenta. In the event you cannot advocate for yourself, make sure your birth partner, doula and midwife is also aware of your choice so they may ensure you keep your placenta.
Meconium is sterile, does not contain the faecal bacteria that normal stool does and therefore is perfectly fine to encapsulate. Meconium is only dangerous for the baby to inhale, but is otherwise harmless. Each placenta is thoroughly rinsed prior to preparation to remove any remaining blood and/or meconium.
It is understood that the placenta acts as a gateway, an interface between mother and baby. Metabolic toxins from the baby are sent back via the placenta to the mother’s liver to be detoxified from her system. This includes drugs or medications; some of which have a very short half-life in the body. These interventions have no noticeable effect on your placenta capsules. Epidural anaesthesia and Pitocin are said to break down very quickly after entering the placenta.
The placenta preparation should take place as soon as possible after the birth, (ideally within the first 48 hours). Directly after the birth you need to contact us at your earliest convenience to schedule pickup.
Consuming one’s own placenta (placentophagy) is undergoing a small revival in western cultures. Some view this as a way of celebrating the placenta’s significance and/or promoting postpartum physical and mental health. When measuring placentophagys’ health outcomes, it may be that the woman’s perception of how it makes them feel becomes more important than the medical models understanding of the evidence.
Once you’ve booked your place we will provide you indepth instructions as to how the collection process works.
Once you have birthed, your midwife will place your placenta in the courier box to be collected by us. We will then collect and start the process immediately. Once the process has been competed we will deliver your capsules to you personally.